The location of our meeting is held at Ryerson United Church, 265 Wilson Street East in Ancaster. Club Meetings will be held from 7:00 p-m to 9:30 pm on the second Tuesday of every month. Doors open at 6:30pm and our teaching table will start at 7:00pm.

Below is a listing of our Executives for the new year and our tentative lineup of meetings.
2024 – 2025 Executive
Past President Scott Hood
President Doug Hunt
Vice-President Corey O’Shaughnessy
Treasurer Victor Staniewski
Social Scott Hood
Magic Teaching Table Coordinator Peter Maxymuik
If anyone is interested in joining the executive, we are more than happy to have you assist, as there are roles you could take on.
Membership Fees
Since we will be back to in-person meetings, the fees for the year will be $45 ($40 for seniors and members over 65 years old) for the 2024/2025 year. Anyone attending a meeting must either join and pay the annual membership fee or the guest fee for the night, which is $10. We hope everyone will attend our first event and bring their annual membership payment.
Meeting Schedule and Activities 2024 – 2025
Magic Teaching Table
Thank you, Peter Maxymuik, for volunteering to organize the monthly magic teaching table. The magic teaching table will have a different presenter at each monthly meeting at the beginning of our magic meetings between 7:00 and 7:30 pm. We are asking that magicians concentrate on teaching one trick at the table. This would make it easier for everyone to learn the trick and perform it later. The magician is not required to teach using the entire 30 minutes.
Yearend Extravaganza
Rene Chouinard and Andrew Walker will be providing a short presentation on our plans for a yearend show.
Ring49 Facebook Page
If you are a Facebook user, please join our Facebook page where I will post information regarding the club news and meetings.
September 10, 2024
Anthony Lindan -Lecture
Anthony Lindan will be starting off our season with a lecture. His bio and information on his lecture are attached to the email.
October 9, 2024
Ring Exchange – London Magic Club
We have arranged a ring exchange where our magic club will be going to the London club October 9 to perform magic, and in the new year, the London magic club would come to our magic meeting and perform their magic. We will have a sign in sheet at our September meeting for our members who would like to volunteer to perform magic in London. We will also discuss carpooling to the London magic club.
Date | Event | Description |
Sept 10 | Anthony Lindan | Lecture |
Oct 8 | TBA | TBA |
Nov 12 | New Member Spotlight | TBA |
Dec 10 | Kelseys – Wyecroft, Oakville | Xmas Walkaround Magic |
Jan 14 | What I Bought for Xmas | Members perform magic they bought at Xmas |
Feb 11 | Symposium Ancaster | Teach and perform restaurant table magic |
Mar 11 | Auction | |
Apr 8 | Fun Night | Members performing different magic themes |
May 13 | London Ring Exchange? | At our Club Location |
Jun 10 | DIY night | Members that build magic tricks |