Getting started in Magic!

Wow, you’ve seen a magician on television, at the mall or birthday party.
Perhaps you received a magic kit for Christmas, birthday or whatever…
Now you are interested in getting started…
You’ve come to the right page.

Here is what magic isn’t…

Magic is not a way for you to fool your friends with a puzzle. Magic is not something you use to make someone else feel inferior. Magic is not always easy to perform.

Now that we know what magic is and isn’t, lets get down to the “Where to start” portion. The first thing to do is to get involved with a magic association. A magic association will connect you with thousands of other magicians across the country or around the world. I.B.M. Ring 49 is associated with The International Brotherhood of Magicians, which is the largest magic organization in the world. The I.B.M. provides members with a magazine, one of the finest in the world, a convention every year, and many other member benefits. You must first be a member of this organisation before you can become a member of a Ring (Club) associated with the I.B.M., so the first thing to do is join the I.B.M. !

You can do that by clicking The International Brotherhood of Magicians logo below to visit and browse though their web pages.

IBM Headquarters logo
You must be at least 12 years of age and not older than 18 to apply for Junior membership and 18 years of age and older to become a senior member. Once you are a member, you can then consider becoming a Ring or Club member.

In a club environment, you will be able to ask people with similar interests about how to do a certain effect or how the effect looks to them. Getting feedback from other like minded people makes magic more fun. More fun = more magic. For youth, you need look no further than International Brotherhood Of Magicians/ Magical Youth International magic group.

Once you become a member, you will be given a password, which will allow you into the “Members Only” section of this web site. There you will find information about all aspects of magic and magicians, along with information submitted by people your own age!!! You too can add information you’d like to share, as this will become your site as well.

We recommend that you be very careful when using video instruction. Generally the people on magic videos have had many years of experience and are some of the best magicians in the world. They make the things they do on video look incredibly easy to perform and after trying some of the effects, many beginners are disappointed that they cannot achieve the same level of performance right away. For this reason, we recommend that you start with books which will give you a firm grounding in the art and allow you to proceed at a pace which is more suitable for learning as a beginner. Of course there are exceptions to this and you can find some exceptional beginner videos, however, it is our opinion that it is best to start with the books recommended.

We hope this page has helped with getting you started on the road to magic performance…